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The those options was for me I joined a brand ambassador programme during my final year of uni and at the start of I started to post consistently on LinkedIn to build my personal brand. By March I started an Instagram page posting university and career tips and tricks for students and graduates which has now rebranded to a personal branding tips and tricks page and I started doing online courses in social media marketing to upskill myself and supplement my learnings it was around this time.

I joined the Girls in Marketing

Membership. Now whilst all that sounds amazing there was just one teeny tiny problem I NEEDED A JOB. I was so scared of not having a job before I graduated that India WhatsApp Number List I just applied to every random job I could find in the hope that a company would take me on. Eventually I saw on. LinkedIn that Kurogo were hiring for personal brand managers and. I went all out for my application. I researched the company until I could write a book on it.

Whatsapp Number List

I reached out to the other

personal brand managers at the agency asking for interview tips. I built my portfolio the best I could sharing posts from my LinkedIn and Instagram pages. I had my Belarus WhatsApp numbers interview a week after I sent my portfolio to Sam our CEO. The next day I got a call from him to say Id got the job and Ive not looked back since What is your favourite thing about working in marketing I think for me especially in the space I work in marketing is the perfect mix of business people and creativity all of which I love At Kurogo we work primarily with CEOS founders and entrepreneurs who are all incredibly knowledgeable in their respective fields and lovely friendly people. Im very grateful that I get to work with and learn from them every day.

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