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Duolingo has carefully measured

The endall Engagement rates generally give you a. Much better overall picture of how well your brand is doing on social media and show. How engaged your followers actually are. Duolingo is currently operating at a engagement rate which shows that its. Strategy is working well for them at the moment. how its strategy for the videobased app has affected. Other parts of the business such as app downloads and website traffic. The brand has skyrocketed to the top of the educational chart in the. Apple App Store numerous times after seeing a spike in video views on TikTok.

As a social media marketer

It is important to track and measure how well your strategy is contributing to other parts of your company and how you can increase your contribution through social Ecuador WhatsApp Number List media content. Key Takeaways Ensure your target customer is on TikTok before prioritizing marketing on TikTok else you could be wasting your time and efforts Keep mixing up your strategy on TikTok. The algorithm is always changing so youll need to change your strategy in alignment with this. Do not be afraid to have fun with viral trends but make sure these are relevant to your industry Generally the best brands on.

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TikTok are the ones

That have a flexible strategy whilst not being too promotional. If it feels like your strategy is no longer working it probably isnt. Remember that when creating your content for TikTok Wanting to find out how you can maximize your TikTok efforts and achieve TikTok success Become Germany mobile data  a member today for just . per month to gain access to our Produce a TikTok Strategy Action Plan. Meet our community Chloe FrancisSmith Connecting with others in the marketing industry can sometimes be one of the biggest challenges. This series is aimed to show off the amazing members of our community and to encourage you to connect with some incredible women in the marketing industry. Keep reading.
